Terms of Service

Last updated on 2024 June 12th

The Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the "T&C"), subject of the present document, are concluded between :

  • Comix AI SASU, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of €20.000, located at 5, place des Coureauleurs, Le Gabut - Bât J, 17000 La Rochelle (France), and registered in the La Rochelle Trade and Companies Register under number 980 814 065. Comix AI SASU is acting within the framework of the present document in its capacity as developer of the "Cantook ComixSuite" software (hereinafter "ComixSuite"), which is accessible in the form of a web app at the following URL: (hereinafter "The WebApp") ;
  • the User of ComixSuite (hereinafter "the User") who works on the WebApp to translate Graphic Novels, Comics, Manga  and/or Webtoon in digital form (hereinafter "Digital Files"), and who may be either:
  • A User who transmits to Comix AI SASU Digital Files to be uploaded on ComixSuite, having the full legal capacity of a right-holder (hereinafter "Right-holder");
  • A User who is authorized by the Right-holder to work on the Digital Files on ComixSuite, according to the indications provided by the Right-holder to Comix AI SASU.

Comix AI SASU alone reserves the right to modify these T&C at any time, depending on the evolution of the services offered on the WebApp. The User is invited to consult them regularly in order to be informed of the most recent changes

The use of the WebApp implies full acceptance of the T&C in force. No waiver by a User of these T&C may be invoked against Comix AI SASU.

Article 1: Main features of ComixSuite

For the User, the main functions of ComixSuite are:

  • A translation interface that allows to navigate in the Digital Files to work on the translation of the texts transcribed by Comix AI SASU's Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter "Comix AI"), developed in partnership with the University of La Rochelle (see Article 10.3).
  • A warning tracker that allows to track down common errors in comic book translation such as (1) missing translations, (2) translations exceeding the bubble space requirement, (3) incomplete translations or (4) automatic pre-translations that have not been approved, erased or edited by the User.
  • A copy-editing function that allows a User who is not the author of the text (typically a copy-editor) to edit, and/or to propose alternative version(s) of the initial translation.
  • An automatic pre-translation function via the DeepL™ API, that the User can request if desired directly in the ComixSuite interface.
  • A collaborative annotation function that allows Users to comment and exchange information on the translation of a Digital File.
  • An export function for data extracted and/or produced by Users in:
  • .csv
  • .xlsx → Microsoft™ Excel™
  • .docx → Microsoft™ Word™
  • .jslx → for Adobe InDesign™
  • .jslx → for Adobe Photoshop™
  • An import function in Adobe InDesign™ and Photoshop™ allowing to import:
  • Translations made in ComixSuite;
  • The typographical formatting of the translations (bold, italic...) correctly made in the geometry of the comic book (boxes, bubbles), managing a shift of pages between the original version and the new edition containing the translation, provided that the body of the story is the same;
  • Users' annotations.

Article 2: User account

2.1. Creation of the User Account

The creation of the ComixSuite account (hereinafter the "User Account") is to be done from

The User is solely responsible for the confidentiality of the login and password required to create and connect to his User Account. It is therefore up to the User to take all appropriate measures to prevent third parties from learning of them.

ComixSuite shall in no way be held responsible for fraudulent or abnormal use of personal identification data by Users.

2.2. Access rights of the User to the Digital Files

The Right-holder can set up its team from its account, and manage its members' access rights for each of its Digital Files. The Right-holder can grant or revoke their access at any time.

The Right-holder can also delegate work on a project to a partner organization, such as a studio.

Finally, the Right-holder can give any team members an Administrator role, with extended rights. Administrators can create, modify, attribute, and delete members and projects.

Article 3: Management of Digital Files

3.1. Digital File Transfer

The User uploads its Digital Files directly from its ComixSuite account.  

The formats of the Digital Files uploaded must be either:

  • PDF
  • PDF web
  • PDF for print: including vectorized cut lines.
  • PDF including vector text or not.
  • fixed layout EPUB
  • .zip containing an ordered list of images (PSD, JPEG, TIFF, PNG) - exclusive format for a Webtoon upload.

Should a Digital File need to be supplied to Comix AI SASU in another format, please contact us for a preliminary study.

Comix AI has the ability to process low resolution files, but this can affect the results produced, especially in terms of text rendering. Therefore, the required specifications for Digital Files are as follows:

  • Comic book panel images of at least 5 Megapixel (example: 2000 × 2500 px);
  • Images that meet the minimum standards of the printing industry, i.e. images at a scale of 1 of 300 dpi for color and 1200 dpi for bitmap;
  • Very high resolution images or Masters.

3.2. Quality control and provision of Digital Files

Comix AI SASU performs a quality control on the Digital Files.

This does not guarantee that the Comix AI analysis will be 100% perfect, and the User may have to add areas to be translated via the function dedicated to this purpose on ComixSuite ("+" button / Add a bubble). Nevertheless, Comix AI SASU ensures that the algorithms allow for the correct rendering of at least 95% of the data.

Provisions are made in Article 5.2, in the event that a Digital File should completely fail the Comix AI algorithms, i.e. that it cannot be analyzed with a satisfactory degree.

The Digital Files are made available by Comix AI SASU, after quality control, according to the following deadlines:

  • 1 (one) to 3 (three) days, depending on the length of the Digital File.
  • Up to 5 (five) Digital Files simultaneously: 5 (five) working days maximum.

The Right-holder can track the delivery of each Digital File directly from its account.

3.3. Deleting Digital Files

In the event that the Right-holder requests the removal of one or more Digital Files from ComixSuite, Comix AI SASU shall ensure their removal within 5 (five) working days.

The Right-holder grants Comix AI SASU the right to keep a copy of the Digital Files on its servers for historical purposes, and for Research and Development purposes to improve Comix AI. Comix AI SASU undertakes not to use said Digital Files for commercial purposes.  

The Right-holder may, however, request total removal of the Digital Files from Comix AI SASU's servers by sending a request to Comix AI SASU shall ensure the total removal required by the Right-holder of each Digital File within 30 (thirty) working days.

Article 4: Security Policy

Comix AI SASU ensures the highest level of security for the Right-holder’s Digital files:

  • A secured files upload from ComixSuite WebApp. Comix AI and ComixSuite servers are hosted in France by OVH Cloud, the European leader in Cloud hosting.
  • A secured web-app access on ComixSuite, with all the Right-holder’s data (Digital Files, translations, comments, accounts) encrypted through HTTPS.
  • Authenticated users only: the Right-holder control who can access the Digital files, opening or closing access to team members or partners on demand, following the process described in Article 2.2.
  • Confidentiality: ComixSuite is committed to keeping secret any element related to the Digital files transmitted by the Right-holder.

Comix AI SASU commits to take all the necessary technical measures to assure the security of the Webapp. However, ComixSuite cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as, but not limited to: loss of data, service interruption, access speed, fraudulent use by third parties of any information made available by the User on the Webapp, or any other involuntary problem. It is also the User's responsibility to take all the appropriate measures to protect its data and software from contamination by computer viruses.

Article 5: Commercial Conditions

5.1. Commercial offer

To date, any use of ComixSuite is subject to the validation by the Right-holder of the estimate previously transmitted by Comix AI SASU.

Comix AI SASU may offer one or more free tests to allow the User to test ComixSuite.

The estimate describes the commercial conditions allowing the Right-holder access and use of ComixSuite, as well as the payment terms. 

Any delay or incomplete payment of the invoice issued on the basis of the validated quotation may result in the suspension of the User's access to ComixSuite, as well as any debt collection action.

5.2. Special compensation

The artistic diversity of comics can, on rare occasions, make the Comix AI algorithms fail, despite the quality control performed by Comix AI SASU. 

If the percentage of 95% of the detected structures (bubbles, texts...) is not reached, then a compensation is set up by Comix AI SASU. Comix AI SASU commits to compensate the Right-holder in the form of free credits to be used on future Digital Files.

Such contents will require a new training of the AI algorithms, without Comix AI SASU being able to give a deadline for the resolution.

Furthermore, Comix AI SASU reserves the right to refuse to process, until the problem is fully resolved, Digital Files of the same nature, i.e. Digital Files whose artistic characteristics Comix AI SASU judges to be capable of challenging the algorithms similarly (for example, a Digital File by the same drawer).

This exceptional compensation provision does not apply to a Digital File that fails the algorithms for a reason other than artistic. In particular, in the case of a Digital File that does not meet the specifications required in Article 3.1. 

Article 6: Availability of services

The WebApp is normally accessible to the User 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round, except in cases of force majeure and maintenance operations.

However, Comix AI SASU reserves the right, in case of urgent necessity and without prior notice or compensation, to temporarily close access to its services without being held responsible for damages of any kind that may occur as a result.

Temporary interruptions of services will, as far as possible, be notified to Users 24 (twenty-four) hours before they occur, except when they are of an emergency nature.

Comix AI SASU will make its best efforts to restore access to its services as soon as possible and communicate in advance of any interruption in service.

Article 7: Assistance

Support to Users is provided by email via 

It is divided into 3 (three) levels:

  • Level 1: concerns the technical answers given to Users on the use of ComixSuite. Comix AI SASU undertakes to respond to Users within 2 (two) working days.
  • Level 2: concerns problems of configuration and parameterisation of ComixSuite. Comix AI SASU undertakes to respond to Users within 2 (two) working days.
  • Level 3: concerns anomalies and corrections of ComixSuite code. Level 3 is treated as a priority, and Comix AI SASU undertakes to use all means at its disposal to correct blocking anomalies as soon as possible.

A Help Center is directly accessible from the WebApp, and from the URL: ComixSuite Help Center allows the User to benefit from tutorials, guides, and contact forms to be assisted during the use of ComixSuite.

Article 8: Data Processing and Liberties

In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, Comix AI SASU has made a declaration to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) dated October 24, 2013, registered under n°1713809.

The personal information and personal data concerning the User are subject to automated processing. They are necessary for the management of the commercial relationship between the User and Comix AI SASU. They will be kept for a maximum period of 3 years from the last contact by the User.

ComixSuite does not collect any personal data except the email address for the creation of the account. A Charter for the Protection of Personal Data will be set up later in case of collection of data necessary for the functioning of ComixSuite.

As specified in Article 1, Comix AI SASU uses the paid API of DeepL™ to offer as an optional function an automatic translation service. It is specified that DeepL™ ( only keeps the texts submitted for machine translation for the time it takes to produce and transmit the requested translation.

Article 9: Intellectual Property

The content of the Digital Files on the WebApp, as well as all the elements disseminated through the WebApp, whether software, visual or sound, constitute intellectual works within the meaning of Literary and Artistic Property and are protected by law, by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code in France, and by foreign legislation governing copyright and related rights, trademark law, design and model law, and patent law.

The said data, information and contents may not be reproduced, modified, transmitted, broadcast, translated, sold, commercially exploited or reused in any way whatsoever without the prior, express and written consent of Comix AI SASU.

Likewise, Comix AI SASU does not acquire any right on the Digital Files transmitted by the Right-holder.

Any violation of the copyright is constitutive of a counterfeiting offence sanctioned in France by the article L.335-2 of the Code of the Intellectual Property and punished by two years of imprisonment and 150 000 € of fine.

In addition, the corporate names, trademarks, domain names and logos contained on the WebApp are the property of Comix AI SASU and its partners. They are protected by the Industrial Property and cannot be used without their prior, express and written authorization.

Article 10: Responsibility

10.1. Responsibility of the Users

  • The User is solely responsible for the use made of the Digital Files and the data exported on and off ComixSuite, in particular through the export function.
  • Any use outside the framework defined in the present T&C, or without the agreement of the Right-holder, would be considered as an act of counterfeiting, which would expose the User to legal, civil or penal proceedings within the framework of the legislative and regulatory provisions in force.
  • Users are solely responsible for validating the final translation of each Digital File, and for the lettering that follows after exporting it outside ComixSuite. Comix AI SASU can in no way be held responsible for any error in the final translation, whether it results from a human error on the part of a User, or from an error of Comix AI in the detection of bubbles and/or texts. It is indeed reminded that Artificial Intelligence cannot guarantee 100% positive results, and that it must be considered above all as an aid to human translation work. It can therefore in no way replace it. Users remain solely responsible for the work facilitated and accelerated by ComixSuite. 

10.2. Particular responsibility of the Rightful Owner

  • The Right-holder guarantees that he has acquired the necessary authorizations for the exploitation of the Digital Files in the context of their use on ComixSuite.
  • The Right-holder warrants that he has not introduced into the Digital Files any reproduction, reminiscence or element of any kind that may infringe the rights of a third party. The Right-holder guarantees Comix AI SASU against all claims, demands, evictions or recourses from any third party who claims that the use of the Digital Files in the context of ComixSuite violates his literary and artistic property rights.
  • In some countries, the laws in force prohibit and/or restrict free access to certain works. The Right-holder undertakes to check that, under the law of the place where the User is located, there are no similar prohibitions or restrictions concerning access to the Digital Files.
  • The Right-holder vouches for the Users to whom he wishes to give access to his Digital Files. Any failure by a User to meet its obligations under these T&C shall therefore be attributable to the Right-holder, who is responsible for it, in the context of the direct contractual relationship between the Right-holder and Comix AI SASU.

10.3. Responsibility of Comix AI SASU

  • Comix AI SASU undertakes to make ComixSuite available to Users in accordance with the provisions specified in these T&C. Comix AI SASU reserves the right to make any changes and improvements to its services that it deems necessary. Furthermore, ComixSuite reserves the right without prior notice or compensation to permanently discontinue any or all of its services, and will not be liable for any damages of any kind that may occur as a result.
  • Comix AI SASU will make its best efforts to guarantee the best quality of service, including the results provided by Comix AI. However, Comix AI SASU is only bound by an obligation of means.
  • Comix AI SASU is a high-tech company which works on the improvement of its Comix AI in partnership with the University of La Rochelle, within the framework of a Joint Laboratory co-financed by the National Research Agency: the "Sequential Art Image Laboratory" (hereafter "S.A.I.L."). As such, the researchers of the S.A.I.L. have access to the Digital Files to ensure their analysis by Comix AI. Comix AI SASU fully guarantees the University of La Rochelle, and undertakes to ensure that the Digital Files cannot be exploited outside the framework of ComixSuite.

10.4. Limit of responsibility of Comix AI SASU

  • Comix AI SASU cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as, but not limited to: loss of data, service interruption, access speed, fraudulent use by third parties of any information made available by Users on the WebApp, or any other involuntary problem. It is also the User's responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect his data and software from contamination by computer viruses.
  • Comix AI SASU may not be held liable for the illicit nature of access to Digital Files or for the use made by the User of said Digital Files.
  • In the event that Comix AI SASU's liability is incurred as a result of a breach of one of its obligations under the T&C, compensation shall apply only to direct, personal and certain damages, to the express exclusion of compensation for any indirect and immaterial damages and/or prejudices.

Article 11: Confidentiality

The User and Comix AI SASU acknowledge that any confidential commercial or technical information communicated from one party to the other will be kept strictly confidential and will not be distributed or disclosed to a third party without the express written consent of the communicating party.

It is reminded that Comix AI SASU also ensures the confidentiality of data relating to the Digital Files transmitted to the University of La Rochelle within the framework of the S.A.I.L.

This obligation of confidentiality will not apply to information: 

  • that will be disseminated to the public through no fault or breach of confidentiality of the party to whom the information was communicated;
  • that has been disclosed to a party by a third party without breach of confidentiality and without any obligation of confidentiality being specified;
  • that was already in the possession of the Party to whom it is disclosed.

The Right-holder authorizes Comix AI SASU to communicate publicly about its status as a ComixSuite client.

Article 12: Applicable law

The present T&C are subject to French law.

In the event of the invalidity of one of the clauses of these T&C, this clause will be deemed unwritten, and this invalidity will not affect the validity of the other applicable provisions.

In case of dispute and after an attempt to find an amicable solution, jurisdiction is assigned to the courts of PARIS (FRANCE), notwithstanding multiple defendants or warranty claims.

Article 13: Legal information

The WebApp is published by Comix AI SASU, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of €20.000, registered with the La Rochelle Trade and Companies Register, and whose registered office is located at 5, place des Coureauleurs, Le Gabut - Bât J, 17000, LA ROCHELLE (FRANCE).

SIREN: 980 814 065
Intracommunity VAT: FR72980814065

The Director of the Publication is Mr. Samuel PETIT, Managing Director of Comix AI SASU and Deputy Director of the S.A.I.L. with Jean-Christophe BURIE, on behalf of the Computer Science department L3i of the University of La Rochelle.

Comix AI SASU's servers, and thus the clients' Digital Files, are hosted in France by the OVH Company, located at 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59100 ROUBAIX (FRANCE).

The automatic translation service is provided via the API of DeepL™ Pro, ensuring the confidentiality of the data transmitted in accordance with the provisions present on